
Neurophysiology, Neuro-Immune Interactions, and Mechanobiology in Osteopathy in the Cranial Field: An Evidence-Informed Perspective for a Scientific Rationale.

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(1) Background: Osteopathy in the cranial field (OCF) is a distinctive approach within osteopathy, focusing on the cranial region's manual manipulation. Nevertheless, OCF fosters doubt in the scientific community because it refers to out-of-date models. This perspective paper critically analyzes the current knowledge in the fields of neurophysiology and mechanobiology to propose an evidence-informed rationale for OCF. (2) Methods: The reporting framework used in the current perspective article obeyed the guidelines for writing a commentary. (3) Results: The article's main findings focus on the tactile stimulation of exocranial receptors and their implications in the management of craniofacial algic-dysfunctional syndromes implementing OCF. (4) Conclusions: By establishing an evidence-based rationale for OCF, this research aims to guide future directions in OCF and contribute to a more patient-centered and effective approach to health and wellbeing.

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